One afternoon, a small bit of awareness struck my mind when I had been anxious and sad over a private matter. After a while, I found calmness. Still down.. but calm. I thought maybe it was numbness at first but it felt peaceful instead. I was skimming a book that I try to read a page every morning for words of wisdom to seek some sort of emotional relief. It usually helped me positively re-frame my thoughts over the years. I remember the chapter of the day was called “The Shining Light”. I heard and saw a neighboring red cardinal with other birds chirping outside. The window I looked out of was the same window I grew up around as a kid for many years. I realized I hadn’t appreciated the view like this for a long time yet it had always been there. Something about it felt significant. A small but impactful step to how my thoughts would typically attach over particular stresses. The sky snapped me out of a numbing state of mind so it might of meant something was healing inside.
I think that’s progress. 🌱


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